Hotel Egreta Tulcea

Hotel Egreta Tulcea



Accomodation: 98 single, double and suite rooms.

Facilities: air conditioning, internet, TV, cable television, phone, minibar, shower or bathtub, hairdryer.

Services included in rate: breakfast, outdoor parking.

Restaurant & bar: 1 restaurant with 200 seats, bar.

Conference room: 1 room with 50 seats equipped with: video projector, sound system, flipchart, screen.

Payment: cash, VISA card, MASTERCARD.


adresa: Tulcea, str. Pacii, nr. 3
tel: (+)40 240 506 250
mob: (+)40 739 007 491
fax: (+)40 240 517 103
- Certificat de clasificare Hotel "Egreta" nr. 2510/1172/10.11.2010
- Brevet manager in activitatea de turism nr. 404 din 26.03.2008