Hotel Flora Lacu Sarat

Hotel Flora Lacu Sărat


Accomodation: 106 double rooms

Facilities: TV, cable television, phone, bathtub or shower

Services included in rate: breakfast, outdoor parking included in the accommodation rates.  

Restaurant & bar: 1 restaurant with 200 seats, bar, covered terrace with 20 seats.

Others facilities charge: cure center, hydrotherapy, kinetotherapy, sauna, gym.

Payment: cash, bank transfer 


adresa: Lacu Sarat, Jud. Braila
tel: (+)40 239 652698
fax: (+)40 239 652696
Certificat de clasificare Hotel "Flora" nr. 2954/935/06.09.2010. Brevet manager in activitatea de turism nr. 2738 din 02.10.2002